
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Reflection paragraph on process

I actually must say, that I enjoyed continuing research on music therapy and posting on this blog website. I have learned majority of things. If I had to try to do this whole blog over again, I would do it exactly the same way because I feel that I did this perfectly and accurately. I hope. I can actually say that there was nothing that I disliked from Music Therapy. This whole therapy displayed benefical treatment to those who really need it and it shows as well. My first choice into researching was music theory, but next time I blog it will be about that. Though, I am very happy with the results and my results on this subject. It has opened my eyes to new things and a understanding of how music is more than just for someones entertainment. It is so much more if you think about it and I hope many agree. Overall, this was fairly easy and I enjoyed practically every moment with it.

Reflection paragraph on sources

There are tons of unreliable and reliable sources in the internet. Mostly there are just unreliable, depending on search engine, but I used Google and I have found some well reliable sources with accurate information. How do I know that? Majority of the websites that I have visted were all articles from organizations dealing with this sort of information and I found them to be truthful. Like I said before, there are plenty of sources, but you have to choose to right one. I'm glad that my sources were fact and not the authors bias. It would have destroyed the accuracy of my subject if had been a bias. Needless to say that some bias are derived from fact, but you just have to be careful.

"American Music Therapy Association." Definition and Quotes about Music Therapy. American Music Therapy Association. Web. 11 May 2012.

Most reliable sources with accurate information.

Works Cited

American Music Therapy Association." Definition and Quotes about Music Therapy. American Music Therapy Association, n.d. Web. 11 May 2012. <>.

"Experimentation and Feasability." : Music Therapy in Neurorehabilitation. Web. 17 May 2012.
"Music Therapy - What to Listen as the Problems | BackP." Music Therapy - What to Listen as the Problems | BackP. Web. 17 May 2012.
"Chris Barton | Central Canal Creative Arts Therapies." Chris Barton | Central Canal Creative Arts Therapies. Web. 17 May 2012.
"Our Mission." Community Music Center of Boston. Web. 17 May 2012. <>.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wordle #2 based on topic key terms

Wordle: Untitled

Reflection paragraph on findings

I was actually surprised taking the time and researching all the effects that Music Therapy has on someone. They treat it on people with social disorders or just disorders, who have major clinical depression, and very much more. You would be surprised on how much this expressive clinical treatment can do. Nothing is impossible, but something that shocked me the most was how this treatment could help people actually walk again. I was in awe when I heard of this and I was very skeptical to a point to where I didn't believe it. Sure enough it actually did help people do such a thing and after learning this, what can't this do? Some people consider mixing this with medicine as well. Which could be an incredible benefactor.

Finding Paragraph #3

Even though this post is about therapy it is really about one thing. It's all about music and I have come a long way into researching this specific topic and I must say, it's probably the one I feel that has a lot of significant value. It's more than just listeing to music and just feeling good. It's all about the emotion, the expression, and the way it changes an individuals life. They're are many genres of music, one that fits a need of an individual. Music is the best way to communicate with others, which is really the sole purpose of the clinical treatment. To help others become more aware and involved with peers around them. It's okay to be who are and express your inner self, not to hide it from everyone else. It's your music.

Finding Paragraph #2

In the beginning of time, I had asked a simple question. What is Music Therapy? I did have some understanding of this, but I didn't have enough knowledge to actually make a blog on it. Now this post is going to be the sum of all that is good. Music therapy, as you know, is a very special type of Theraputic treatment that improves ones health or quality of life. I bet you, the person viewing this blog or post, could not go a day or a week without listening to music. Now, think about the ones who any sort of social or any disorder. They rarely have the opportunity to actually listen to some good music. When in fact they do, they burst out with life like no other. It's pretty amazing, someone who would never talk is just either singing, humming, or dancing just to music. Not to mention it can actually help people walk, which I thought was strange, but its all will power.